We feel that uniform is important to help the students establish themselves as part of the school community. Whilst the uniform should be smart and help give the young students pride in themselves it should also be comfortable, easy to wear and not a source of confrontation between staff and students.

We therefore ask that parents help to support us in this. Our basic new uniform consists of:
- School
- White
long or short sleeved shirt
- School
- Black
pleated skirt no shorter than knee length
- Black
tailored trousers (not narrow legged)
- Black
tailored knee length shorts (loose legged)
- Plain
navy blue V neck sweatshirt or jumper
- Black
or white socks
- Plain
black opaque tights
- Black,
polishable shoe or trainer-shoe. (Ankle boots are permitted)
Uniform Expectations/Guidance
- Hair
should be clean and tidy.
- Hair
can be dyed but should be of a natural colour.
- If
a student’s head is fully shaved it should be no shorter than grade 2 in
- Facial hair is permitted but must be kept neat and tidy.
- Makeup
should not be worn in Year 7 and Year 8. Years 9-11 may wear make-up
but it should be natural and discreet.
- Coloured nail varnish/acrylic nails/fake nails are not permitted. However, students are permitted to wear a clear or ‘French polish’ style of varnish. Nails should be kept short and practical.
- One
set of single studs can be worn in each ear lobe. These must be removed for
practical subjects such as PE if requested by the member of staff.
- Students
are also not permitted to wear any further jewellery such as necklaces,
bracelets or rings.
- Nose
piercings in school are not permitted. Retainers are also not permitted. If a
student has their nose pierced it should be done at a time where the piercing
does not then need to be worn at school.
- Students may wear a watch.
and Hats:
- Hats
and hooded coats can be worn to school but must be removed in lessons. Hoods
and hats are not to be worn in the school building.
Education Uniform Requirements for All Students:
USH PE Polo Short, USH PE ¼ Zip Fleece, USH PE Zip Sweatshirt, Black Shorts or PE Skort, Plain Black Tracksuit Bottoms, Plain Black Leggings, Black or White Trainer Socks or Black Football socks, Trainers (Astro style trainers to be worn on the MUGA and moulds and studs are only permitted for lessons on the field)
Cycling Shorts are NOT permitted as part of the PE kit as PE
Students will also be expected to have a school bag (those with 2 shoulder straps are advised), a pencil case with pens and pencils, a calculator and small pocket dictionary.
of branded uniform items (ie with a school logo)
uniform is available from Skoolkit at Unit 1 Totton Shopping Centre, 1
Commercial Road, Totton, SO40 3BX, telephone 023 8066 7600.
Uniform Grant
uniform vouchers may be available to parents whose children are eligible
for free schools meals. Support is offered to eligible students entering Year 7
and 9 only. Please see our Uniform Grant application form for further guidance
or contact our school finance office for more information.
If you have a question about our school uniform grant please contact the school finance office.