
All staff can be contacted by emailing please see below a list of key staff.

Heads of Department

Sarah Baillie Head of Health and Social Care

Emily Bridges Head of English

Helen Cadle Head of Photography

Joanna Eyre Head of Mathematics

Mariella De Ruiter Hough Head of Art and Design

Joseph Davies Head of Food and Nutrition, Leadership of Healthy Schools through Nutrition

Suzanne Dibden Head of PSHE & Citizenship

Stuart Farley Head of History

Kevin Grainey Head of Science

Chris Janata Head of Physical Education

Janine Lambert Head of Drama

Helen Hartshorn Head of Business

Emma Hyslop Head of Geography, Duke of Edinburgh Lead

Michael Park Head of Information Technology & Creative iMedia

Matt Pitcher Head of Religious Studies

Bethany Samborski Head of Modern Foreign Languages

George Smith Head of Music

Andre Van Schalkwyk Head of Construction

Claire Weston Head of Design Technology

Heads of Year

Jaspreet Gervin - Year 7

Claire Fortune - Year 8

Victoria Way - Year 9

Leonie Clay - Year 10

Kieron Hall - Year 11

Learning Support and Inclusion

Jannatul Ahmed SENCO

Sarah Hayward Inclusion Manager

Senior Leadership Team

Chris Sykes Headteacher

Anneli Clements Deputy Headteacher - DSL

Siân Cumming Deputy Headteacher

Gopaal Bhardwaj Assistant Headteacher

Gavin Rumsey Assistant Headteacher

Nick Russon Assistant Headteacher - SEND

Laurel Ogbuh School Business Manager

Support Staff

Anna Moss Office Manager

Lisa Howell Finance Officer

Rachel Long PA to the Headteacher

Catherine Smith HR Officer

David Osment Premises Manager