A comprehensive careers programme has been developed to help students make informed decisions regarding their future.
Careers Leader/Careers Adviser – Mrs Carey Anderson
Careers Co-ordinator – Mrs Rachel Mays
Please contact Mrs Anderson/Mrs Mays if you have any specific queries
regarding the careers programme.
The careers programme has been created in line with the eight Gatsby
benchmarks to ensure best practice and to meet the requirements of the
Department for Education statutory guidance 2018
The aim of our careers programme is to raise aspirations and inspire all
students to unlock their potential and make the best choices for post 16,
whether this be further education, apprenticeship, or job with training. The programme
in line with the CDI’s Career Development Framework helps clarify the skills,
knowledge and attitudes needed to have a fulfilling career.
The impact and success of the careers programme is evaluated in a range of ways including:
- Feedback from all stakeholders including students, parents, staff and guests involved in the delivery of the programme.
- Termly
against the Gatsby Benchmarks and policies. Our most recent Gatsby Benchmark
evaluation (see below)
- Annually evaluated and updated.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
1, A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and
labour market information
3 Addressing the needs of
each student
4. Linking curriculum learning
to careers
5. Encounters with employers
and employees
6. Experience of work places
7. Encounters with further and
higher education
8. Personal Guidance
CEIAG Programme (see below)
Guest Speakers
· A range of speakers from a range of career areas are invited to share
their knowledge with students.
Information for all
stakeholders including staff, pupils, parents, external agencies and employers
We hope you like
the content of our 2023/2024 careers programme.
We appreciate your comments on the programme. Please contact Mrs Anderson/Mrs Mays with
your feedback.
Any business, college or independent training provider wanting to
provide information to students should contact Carey Anderson, Careers Lead on
02380325333 or via email
We encourage students, teachers and parents to use Careerpilot,
Careerpilot is an
impartial, free to use, South of England wide careers website, which provides
13-19 year olds with information about:
- The
full range of progression choices available at 14, 16 and 18
- Over
twenty job sectors which links to 100s of job profiles
- Available
providers, qualifications and much more
The site includes
Careers Tools enabling students to personalise and save their choices, and has
a Pre-16 Skills Map tool. It also has a Parent Zone.
Other Useful websites
The Flying
Start Southampton is an impartial website to support your
transition to post-16 education and training.
colleges and the Southern Universities Network (SUN ) have come together to
provide impartial support, information and advice on further education,
apprenticeships and future employment options:
The site includes:
Careers -
Planning for the future
- Developing
study skills –resources provided by college partners
- Post-16
subject specific – to explore chosen subjects and beyond
- FAQs
for young people & parents and carers
- Health
and wellbeing resources
Southampton City
Council's free and impartial guide. You can find information about:
GCSE Options,
Leaving School, Finishing Compulsory Education, Jobs, Support for Young People,
Career Links, Apprenticeships, Ambassador Film, The Zone, Jobs Bulletin, Events
& Opportunities
The National
Careers Service is an online careers database containing information on
hundreds of different jobs. It gives you all the essential information
you need to know about the job and how to get into it. There’s a CV
Builder and a section for 13-16 year olds with information to help choose
options at key stage 3 and 4.
An increasingly
popular study option, apprenticeships are a great way to gain hands-on
experience while studying towards an industry-recognised qualification and
earning a wage. They’re available across a range of sectors, from
engineering and law to construction and fashion design.
It is a good idea
look at the UCAS website, especially if there’s a particular subject you would
like to study or a specific university you would like to attend. The
website displays the entry requirements for university courses, the specific
grades you will need and course details.
There are lots of
volunteering opportunities to get involved in.