Curriculum Map

The curriculum at USH is continually reviewed as part of our whole-school evaluation processes. Year-on-year, we keep the best of our previous work and we adapt the rest with improved planning and delivery. Please see below an overview of the learning for this academic year.

Year 7 Curriculum Map

Subject Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
English What's the Story? - Introduction to Genre What's the Story? - Introduction to Genre The Call to Adventure - Treasure Island The Call to Adventure - Treasure Island Fantastic Beasts - Introduction to Poetry Familial Love and Conflict - Romeo and Juliet
Maths Number 1 including negative numbers. Algebra 1 including solving equations. Geometry 1 including area, perimeter and angles. Percentages. Number 1 continued, including four operations with fractions and the product of prime factors. Ratio 1 including simplifying ratios. Substitution. Probability 1 including finding the probability of an event.
Science* Substances and Properties. The cellular basis for life. Particles and Structure. Particles and Structure. Sound, Light and Waves Earth in Space Health and Disease
History When was the best time to go to the toilet? The story of Britain through public health changes What have archaeologists revealed about Anglo-Saxon Southampton? What was remarkable about the Norman Conquest? Who had the power 1066-1500? How can we know what Muslims thought of Crusaders and invaders? How diverse was life in the 12th century? What makes a good story about the Black Death? How did people respond to religious changes in the 16th century? Why did so many people believe in witchcraft 1500-1750?
Geography Fantastic places - explore a variety of fantastic places including Machu Picchu in Peru Europe/UK - focus on map skills' including using Ordnance Survey Maps Africa - explore misconceptions and develop understanding of development of countries. We will also focus on The River Nile looking at its various landforms and the controversial Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. South America - focus on Brazil and particularly the Amazon Rainforest, to explore the vast ecosystem and how it works Oceania - exploring the biomes of Australia and focusing on coastal landscapes. Antarctica - focusing on climate, development issues, explorers and glaciation.
Religious Studies What is the status of religion? Good and evil Religion and art Big questions from the major religions Inspirational people and heroes Sacred places and pilgrimage
PSHE Who am I and how do I learn? Bullying and friendship How do I fit into different communities in society? What are my rights and responsibilities? Can I balance a budget? First Aid Taking a mature approach to hygiene
Spanish Who am I? What does USH mean to me? Who are my family? Where do I live? What are my hobbies and where will it take me? What is my local area like?
French Who am I? What does USH mean to me? What are my hobbies? Who are my family? What is my local area likWhat do weekends mean to me?e? What do weekends mean to me?
Computing Becoming a digital citizen - Baseline and E-Safety How are computer games made? - Scratch and Kodu Who would live in a house like this? - Technical Drawing and Architecture with Computer Aided Design Big Data - Databases, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Learning to code - with Micro Bit Programming Heroes of Computing
Food and Nutrition Chapter 1 - Welcome to the World of Food! Habits, skills and the love of cooking. Chapter 1 - Welcome to the World of Food! Habits, skills and the love of cooking. Chapter 1 - Welcome to the World of Food! Habits, skills and the love of cooking. Chapter 2  - The science and skill of cooking - methodology, challenging recipes and Flavour School Chapter 2  - The science and skill of cooking - methodology, challenging recipes and Flavour School Chapter 2  - The science and skill of cooking - methodology, challenging recipes and Flavour School
Art Sweets - Tonal drawing Sweets - 3D modroc sweets Sealife - Colour theory and painting skills Sealife - Colour theory and painting skills Henri Matisse - Textile applique Islamic Culture - Printing
Drama Baseline Assessment - Devising and Script Work Detectives Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Harry Pushed Her Greek Theatre
Music Baseline Assessment, vocal confidence (Voice Works ), keyboard familiarity and Pulse Instruments of the Orchestra: timbres and textures, programme music and research Further Keyboard and staff notation - to introduce and reinforce pitch reading The Ringtone Challenge: using ICT, introducing looping, layering, etc Folk Music: Covers, Acoustic instruments, Ensembles African Drumming: Ensembles, Polyrhythms, rhythm notation - intro to basic rhythm notation, group work to create call and response and solos Planets and Space: Modes, moods, effects, timbres, textures Embedding these in listening, reviewing and demonstrating the elements of music
Physical Education Baseline 'Fitness Testing' Carousel of 4 week unit of work activities - Football, Basketball, T/Tennis, Netball 4 week unit of work activities - Football, Basketball, T/Tennis, Tag Rugby, Theory 4 week unit of work activities - Handball, Benchball, OAA, Dance, Netball, Theory 4 week unit of work activities - Handball, Benchball, OAA, Dance, Netball, Theory 4 week unit of work activities - Cricket, Athletics, Teambuilding, Rounders 4 week unit of work activities - Cricket, Athletics, Teambuilding, Rounders
Design and Technology Baseline assessment. Pop-up Books - sustainability and paper recycling. Pop-up Books card construction mechanisms LED torches - 2D Design, CAD/CAM LED torches - knife safety, electric circuits Bug Hotels - Biomimicry Bug Hotels - timber construction and using saws safely

Year 8 Curriculum Map

Subject Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
English Choose Your Words Carefully! - Goggle Eyes Choose Your Words Carefully! - Goggle Eyes 19th Century Gothic - The Hound of the Baskervilles 19th Century Gothic - The Hound of the Baskervilles Inner Voice - Characters in Poetry Battle of the Sexes - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Maths Number 2 - applying our number skills to a range of other Maths topics Algebra 2 including expanding and factorising Geometry 2 including area and circumference of circles and using Pythagoras' formula. Number 2 continued, including applying our fractional skills to a range of mathematical contexts Ratio 2 including dividing amounts into ratios. Substitution 2 including drawing linear graphs. Statistics 1 including pie charts, bar charts and scatter graphs. The Plastics Project.
Science* Chemical Reactions Dynamic Earth Organisms and their Environment Heredity and Life Cycles Forces and Motion Electricity and Magnetism
History Why did the people of France become revolutionaries in 1789? Why was Wilberforce remembered as the leading abolitionist? What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on Southampton, 1750-1900? Why is it difficult to know what working conditions were like for children in the 19th century? What mattered to the Mughals? What can local buildings reveal about Edwardian Britain? What can our local church’s Roll of Honour tell us about WW1? Why was Shirley bombed during the Second World War? What were the effects of the atom bombs dropped on Japan? When was the key turning point in the US Civil Rights Movement? Who are the British?
Geography North America - the cause, effect and responses of hurricanes affecting North America Asia - explore how China is rapidly developing in terms of population and development Volcanoes and earthquakes - a taste of GCSE - exploring tectonic plates by focusing on a recent event and exploring the cause, effect and how people respond to the natural disaster Globalisation - how the world works in terms of industry, investment and trade and how globalisation affects them and the world Globalisation continued... Our Plastic Planet - cross curricular project with Maths and Science where students will produce an independent task that showcases their learning.
Religious Studies Questions around religion and science What does religion look like in the 21st century? Is religion dangerous? Dominion or stewardship? Ancient religious beliefs- Greek and Roman Religion and the media
PSHE Is Britain equal? Who is the 'Greatest Briton'? Healthy body What options should I choose? Friendships and relationships Finance Media My World
Spanish How do I earn money? What do I spend it on? What are my preferences for Popular Culture? How do I look after myself? What do I eat and drink? Where do I go on holiday? Where am I going to go on holiday?
Computing Digital Citizenship How are apps designed? - Appshed Blogging and Vlogging with HTML Arcade, Fire! - Game design The Apprentice - digital design and marketing Fairground Attraction - digital control systems in amusement parks
Food and Nutrition Chapter 3 - All food is interesting - Healthy eating, delicious vegetables and home cooking Chapter 3 - All food is interesting - Healthy eating, delicious vegetables and home cooking Chapter 3 - All food is interesting - Healthy eating, delicious vegetables and home cooking Chapter 4 - International cookery, proteins and a chocolate finale Chapter 4 - International cookery, proteins and a chocolate finale Chapter 4 - International cookery, proteins and a chocolate finale
Art Insects - tonal drawing in pencil and biro Insects - Printing techniques Altered portraits - Photography Altered portraits - Photography Seascapes - mark making and painting techniques Seascapes - mark making and painting techniques
Drama "At the youth club" Status and masks Dan Nolan Genre Stimulus The White Room
Music The Blues - working as a band, developing keyboard and own instrumental and vocal techniques, improvising in a 12-bar Blues structure, researching roots and rhythms, conveying a message Minimalism: exploring layers, loops, phasing, repetition Soundtracks: elements, notation, instrumentation Film clip/Advertising - considering leitmotif and musical devices to highlight action (cluster chords, glissando, effects, etc), then underpinning with diatonic chords to emphasis mood; exploring the features of jingles, use of ICT Reggae, Roots and Rhythm: diatonic harmony and chords, hooks and riffs Dance Music composition/Popular Music: 4 chord songs - group work, singing and playing in mini-bands, musical futures style/DJ-ing (depending on the group) Samba: timbre, layering and syncopation, ensemble skills, vocal harmonies
Physical Education Carousel of 4 week unit of work activities - Football, Dodgeball, T/Tennis, Netball, Theory Carousel of 4 week unit of work activities - Football, Basketball, T/Tennis, Netball, Theory Carousel of 4 week unit of work activities - Handball, Basketball, TeamBuilding, Multi Skills, Theory Carousel of 4 week unit of work activities - Handball, Basketball, Fitness, T/Tennis, Theory 4 week unit of work activities - Cricket, Athletics, Rounders 4 week unit of work activities - Cricket, Athletics, Rounders
Design and Technology Memphis style clocks - properties of timber /ACCESSFM Memphis clocks - Practical H&S/timber construction LED mood lamp - electronic circuits/2D Design LED mood lamp - soldering electronic circuits/lamp construction African Mask - paper and card African masks - linkages and levers
Accelerated French What is French like? (introduction to Accelerated French) What’s your favourite lesson? (school) Who are you really? (personal descriptions, family and hobbies) What do you want to be when you grow up? (jobs and future) What’s your town like? (home, region and countries) What have I learned in French? (consolidation of Accelerated French) Who are you really? (personal descriptions, family and hobbies) What do you want to be when you grow up? (jobs and future) What’s your town like? (home, region and countries) What have I learned in French? (consolidation of Accelerated French) What’s your town like? (home, region and countries) What have I learned in French? (consolidation of Accelerated French)
Year 8 Continuing (2nd Year) French How do you describe things in the past?(introduction to the past tense) Where did you go on holiday? (past tense + holidays) Are you addicted to technology? (technology and social media) Do you want to hang out? (invitations and chores) What is your favourite celebration? (festival/ celebration days) Where will you go next? (the future)

Year 9 Curriculum Map

Subject Exam Board Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
English The Art of Storytelling - Structure and Characterisation in Short Stories The Art of Storytelling - Structure and Characterisation in Short Stories Imagined Utopias vs. Dystopian Realities - Animal Farm Imagined Utopias vs. Dystopian Realities - Animal Farm The Poetry of Protest Make Your Voice Heard! - Persuasive Speech Writing
Maths AQA Number 3 including estimation and rounding. Substitution. Area and circumference of circles including compound shapes. Algebra 3 including linear sequences, graphs and inequalities. Algebra 3 continued, including solving equations and factorising quadratics. Geometry 3 including Pythagoras and trigonometry. Ratio 3. Probability 3. Angle review including interior and exterior angles. GCSE Transformations.
Science* AQA Combined Science: Trilogy How do atoms behave? How do we know what's in a substance? What is energy and where does it come from? How do our cells work and grow? What happens in chemical reactions? How do we get the nutrients we need to survive? What is an electrolyte?
History How useful is Animal Farm for studying the Russian Revolution? How diverse was life in 1920's USA? What are the lasting images of the Holocaust? The People's Health, 1250-present The People's Health, 1250-present The People's Health, 1250-present Life under Nazi Rule, 1933-45
Geography The Living World: Ecosystems - focus on Malaysian Rainforest Ecosystems - focus on Arabian Desert as a hot environment Climate Change - causes, effects, responses. Students will be creating a resource to highlight the issues and informing others of what they can do to mitigate / adapt for climate change. Climate Change - causes, effects, responses. Students will be creating a resource to highlight the issues and informing others of what they can do to mitigate / adapt for climate change. 'Our World's Resources' Resource Management - focus on Food, looking at food security and insecurity around the world. We will also focus on the future of our resources. 'Our World's Resources' Resource Management - focus on Food, looking at food security and insecurity around the world. We will also focus on the future of our resources.
Religious Studies What is God? Religion and the environment Religion and crime Worship and festivals Wealth and poverty Hinduism
Citizenship How do I fit in? The makeup of the UK. A case study on immigration and opinions in Britain Poverty and campaigning - Active Citizenship Human rights - Hotel Rwanda case study Human rights and the rules that govern our society Nelson Mandela, Invictus and Apartheid The rule of law - how does the legal system work in the UK?
PSHE Study skills Crime RSE - how do I keep myself safe? RS- becoming an adult Healthy mind Community project
Spanish How was my holiday? What do I wear? Where do I buy it from? What is my life after USH? GCSE course begins - Identity Leisure - Culture Popular Culture
French What are my preferences for Popular Culture? What is my life after USH? How do I look after myself? What was my childhood like? GCSE course begins - Identity Culture
Computer Science Who owns the Zebra? - computational thinking and Python What's inside the box? - hardware theory and practical coding Cracking the code - programming the development and the theory that lies beneath Cracking the code - programming the development and the theory that lies beneath Real world output solutions - programming robots Real world output solutions - programming robots
Creative Imedia Designing digital products for different audiences Hello Magazines! - desktop publishing A site for sore eyes - web design What are words worth? - podcasts Emotion Pictures - making a music video
Food and Nutrition Getting to know you, your food and its effects - macro and micro nutrients; ensuring food safety Getting to know you, your food and its effects - macro and micro nutrients; ensuring food safety Healthy eating guidelines and diet-related health problems Developing required practical skills for the GCSE and lifelong cooking The Wonderful World of Food Science - developing thinking, understanding and mastery of the scientific method Developing required practical skills for the GCSE and lifelong cooking Love Food, Hate Waste GCSE practical skills - responding to a brief; planning and executing a three-dish menu The Science Of Food
Art Drawing in different media - crushed drinks cans Painting - Everyday objects Drawing - Portraits Printing - Food Sustained project on the theme of architecture in preparation for GCSE Art Sustained project on the theme of architecture in preparation for GCSE Art
Photography The origins of Photography. Focus on the natural world. Movement - using a camera to freeze time. Collections Discarded plastics Shadows and light.
Drama AQA Baseline Assessment - The Car Journey Tony and Wendy Blue Remembered Hills Titanic Response to a stimulus Physical Theatre and Devising
Music GCSE course begins: AOS 1 Forms and Devices - Listening (Appraisal), Composing, Performance AOS 2 Ensembles - Listening (Appraisal), Composing, Performance AOS 3 Film Music - Listening (Appraisal), Composing, Performance AOS 4 Popular Music - Listening (Appraisal), Composing, Performance Elements of Music in Set Works - Listening (Appraisal), Composing, Performance Fusion - Listening (Appraisal), Composing, Performance
GCSE PE GCSE PE - Introduction into Body Systems GCSE PE - Respiratory System and Energy Systems GCSE PE - Cardiac System GCSE PE - Effects of Exercise GCSE PE - Health, Fitness and Wellbeing GCSE PE - Engagement Patterns
Physical Education (Core) Core PE - Football, Netball, T/Tennis Core PE - Handball, Dodgeball, Basketball Core PE - Fitness, Benchball, Dance Core PE - OAA, Multi Skills, Rugby Core PE - Rounders, Softball, Cricket, Athletics Core PE - Rounders, Softball, Cricket, Athletics
Film Studies What can I do with a camera? What goes on behind the lens? Film Production - intro to key elements What is the magic behind the advertising? Key elements in Christmas Advertising/film production What is genre? Introduction to narrative theory & genre studies Pre-production process- script writing and genre Superhero genre study - GCSE skills introduction and practice Superhero genre study - coursework skills practice
Design and Technology Materials & theory - timber/polymers (frame, phone stand, poppy) Materials & theory - polymer casting & smart materials (2D Design moulds, pendant casting) Test tube Vase - design, prototype Test tube vase - make (acrylic/2D design) Speaker - design and prototype Speaker - make and solder circuit
Textiles Natural forms - Learning to hand and machine stitch Natural forms - creating a wall hanging inspired by the Textile artist Rosaling Lymer Tote bag - learning the process of stencil printing and creating a repeat design Tote Bag - bag construction Sustained project on the theme 'Sealife' where students leant fabric manipuation skills and free machine embroidery. Sustained project on the theme 'Sealife' where students leant fabric manipuation skills and free machine embroidery.
Music Tech Drum programming, key genres—trap, house, disco Music theory - Scales, melodies, composition, DAW skills Funk and Hip hop—basslines, composing, sampling Musical effects and production techniques Mock synoptic project—composing nightclub music Mock synoptic project—composing nightclub music

Year 10 Curriculum Map

Subject Exam Board Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
English AQA (Language and Literature) Victorian Morality and Victorian Monsters - Jekyll and Hyde Victorian Morality and Victorian Monsters - Jekyll and Hyde From Hero to Tyrant - Macbeth From Hero to Tyrant - Macbeth Responsibility and Reputation - An Inspector Calls Responsibility and Reputation - An Inspector Calls
Maths AQA GCSE Algebra including rearranging equations and simultaneous equations GCSE Algebra continued, including drawing calculating the gradient and y intercept. GCSE Number and Ratio including fractions, percentages and indices. GCSE geometry including Pythagoras, trigonometry, area and circumference of circles, angles and transformations. GCSE probability and GCSE statistics including venn diagram notation. GCSE past paper booklet and revision and end of year 10 mocks.
History OCR SHP B Paper 3 - Life under Nazi Rule, 1933-45 Paper 3 - Life under Nazi Rule, 1933-45 Paper 3 - The Making of America, 1789-1900 Paper 3 - The Making of America, 1789-1900 Paper 3 - The Making of America, 1789-1900 Paper 2 - The Site Study: Newfoundland Memorial Park (Beaumont Hamel)
Geography AQA Natural Hazards - Weather / geological hazards - Case studies include Typhoon Haiyan, Beast from the East, Japanese Tsunami and Haiti earthquake 2010. Natural Hazards - Weather / geological hazards - Case studies include Typhoon Haiyan, Beast from the East, Japanese Tsunami and Haiti earthquake 2010. Urban Issues and Challenges - two contrasting cities - Rio de Janeiro and Southampton. We look at the issues and challenges faced by both cities and what the future looks like for our growing cities. Urban Issues and Challenges - two contrasting cities - Rio de Janeiro and Southampton. We look at the issues and challenges faced by both cities and what the future looks like for our growing cities. Rivers - upper / middle / lower course - landforms and processes. We also focus on flooding. Coasts - processes and landforms. We look at how we can manage our coastlines from the threat of erosion.
Religious Studies AQA Hindu Beliefs and Teachings Hindu Practices Peace and Conflict Christian Beliefs and Teachings Christian Practices Recap and preparation for Yr10 mock exams
Citizenship OCR The role of the media and free press Case study - life in North Korea (Understanding systems of democracy) Main action/marketplace Economy, finance and money The law and the legal system Review/revise Year 10 exam preparation
PSHE N/A The world of work RS Unit - Extremism Addiction RS - Ethical issues Politics and campaigning Year 10 - exams prep Building year 11 skills Work experience prep
Spanish Edexcel My school life - past and present Future aspirations Health and wellbeing Tourism Environment Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing exam preparation
French Edexcel Free time - at home Free time - cinema visit Traditions Tourism Travel Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing exam preparation
Computer Science OCR Hardware and Computational Thinking - translators and logic Focusing on Paper 2 - Algorithms and Pseudocode Paper 1 & 2 - Storage and Practical Programming Paper 1 & 2 - Programming Development and Theory topics Paper 1 & 2 - File management & Theory topics Paper 1 & 2 - Theory Topics and Python projects
Creative Media Production BTEC BTEC Experimenting with Digital Media - Planning and making media products Exploring Media Products Component 1 Task 1 Exploring Media Products Component 1 Task 2 Experimenting with Digital Media - Planning and making products for specific audiences Component 1 - Task 3 - Building an E-Portfolio Component 2 Task 1 - An experimental media product chosen from; print, audio-visual, or interactive
Food and Nutrition Eduqas Food Spoilage The provenance of food - understanding where it all comes from Food Science Investigation - a different brief given to the students each year How far does your food travel? Global consumerism, British and international cuisine Developing required practical skills for the GCSE and life-long cooking British Street Food - recipe trials, developing independent research and organisational skills Guided learning to support exam skills, revision techniques and readiness for Year 11
Art AQA Coursework Project 1 -students create a portfolio of work on the theme of 'Food'. Coursework 1 Coursework 1 Coursework 1 Coursework 2 - Students create a portfolio of work on a theme selected from a mock exam paper. Coursework 2
Photography AQA Portraits - a sustained project which forms the first part of the coursework portfolio. Portraits - a sustained project which forms the first part of the coursework portfolio. Portraits - a sustained project which forms the first part of the coursework portfolio. Portraits - a sustained project which forms the first part of the coursework portfolio. Portraits - a sustained project which forms the first part of the coursework portfolio. Light and Dark - a sustained project which forms the second part of the coursework portfolio.
Graphics AQA Music Album and T-shirt Design project. Music Album and T-shirt Design project. Music Album and T-shirt Design project. Identity Magazine Project Identity Magazine Project Identity Magazine Project
Textiles AQA GCSE Coursework: Typography GCSE Coursework: Typography GCSE Coursework: Portraits GCSE Coursework: Portraits GCSE Coursework: Portraits GCSE Coursework: Mock exam theme
Film Studies Eduqas Aesthetic exploration- Component 2 film study- British Film Component 2 film study - British Film An exploration of narrative theories within film- Component 2 film study- Global English language film An exploration of narrative theories within film- Component 2 film study- Global English language film Societal representations in moving image- Component 2 film study- global non-English language film Societal representations in moving image- Component 2 film study- global non-English language film
Drama AQA The Woman in Black The Woman in black - monologue exploration and assessment Blood Brothers Blood Brothers - Mock exam Component 2 - Response to a stimulus Component 2 - Devising
GCSE PE AQA GCSE PE - Performance Enhancing Drugs & Spectator Behaviour GCSE PE - Commercialisation in Sport GCSE PE - Sport Psychology GCSE PE - Sport Psychology GCSE PE - NEA Preparation: Fitness Testing, Training & Data GCSE PE: Revision & NEA Coursework
Physical Education (Core) N/A Core PE: Football, Netball & T/Tennis Core PE: Handball, Dodgeball & Benchball Core PE: Fitness, Basketball & Rugby Core PE: Netball, Teambuilding, Fitness, Multi Skills Core PE: Softball, Rounders, Cricket, Athletics Core PE: Softball, Rounders, Cricket, Athletics
Science* AQA What happens when you charge your iPhone? How do we make reactions faster or slower? Why do we get ill? How do organisms get energy? What happens when atoms aren't stable? How does energy move around? Can we find balance between all organisms on Earth? Can we find balance between all organisms on Earth? Revision and Exams
Design and Technology EDUQAS Materials & theory - timber/polymers (frame, phone stand, poppy) Materials & theory - polymer casting & smart materials (2D Design moulds, pendant casting) Test tube Vase - design, prototype, 2D Design and make Speaker - design and prototype, soldering circuit and make Theory revision EDUQAS NEA question - students begin research for project Theory revision EDUQAS NEA question - students begin research for project
Music Tech Trap, House, music theory Music industry roles and responsibilities, career paths Musical genres from 1950s onwards e.g soul, rock and roll, rock, reggae, folk, dance Sound creation, foley, sound synthesis composing project Multitrack recording—microphones, equipment, effective recording practise Mock synoptic assessment project

Year 11 Curriculum Map

Subject Exam Board Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1
English AQA (Language and Literature) English Language Paper 1 Power and Conflict Poetry English Language Paper 2 Power and Conflict Poetry Revision - English Literature Paper 1: Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde Revision - English Literature Paper 2: AIC, Power and Conflict Poetry and Unseen Poetry Revision
Maths AQA GCSE Algebra GCSE Geometry GCSE Number GCSE Ratio GCSE booklet revision
Science* AQA Why are we so dependent on oil? How can we fix the environment? How does your body regulate itself? What makes us unique? Why was Newton such an important scientist? Revision Revision
History OCR SHP B Paper 1: The Norman Conquest, 1065-87 Paper 1: The Norman Conquest, 1065-87 Revision Exam preparation Exam preparation
Geography AQA Complete coasts from year 10 Preparation for Paper 1 Mock Exam. Begin Economic Development Economic Development - focus on Nigeria as a NEE. We also look at the economy of the UK. Paper 2 & 3 Mock Exam preparation. Revision
Religious Studies AQA Theme B: Religion and Life Theme E: Crime and Punishment Theme A: Relationships and Families Exam preparation and revision Exam preparation and revision
Citizenship OCR UK and its relations with the wider world British constitution National, local, regional and devolved government Study and revision Exam preparation Exam preparation
PSHE N/A College applications and revision tips Family, marriage, life and death Finance - real world spending Study and revision for other subjects Study and revision for other subjects
Spanish Edexcel Travel Mock Exam preparation Work experience and global issues Exam preparation Exam preparation
French Edexcel My school life - past and present World of work with mock exam preparation Environment Exam preparation Exam preparation
Computer Science OCR Papers 1 & 2 - Programming Skills Audit and Theory topics Papers 1 & 2 - Theory revision and programming exercises Papers 1 & 2 - Revision and exam practice. Exam preparation Exam preparation
Art AQA Coursework 2 - Students create a portfolio of work on a theme selected from a mock exam paper. Coursework 2 Students prepare for their externally set assignment set by AQA, this consists of 12 weeks of preparation time and a 10 hour practical exam Students prepare for their externally set assignment set by AQA, this consists of 12 weeks of preparation time and a 10 hour practical exam.
Photography AQA Light and Dark - a sustained project which forms the second part of the coursework portfolio. Light and Dark - a sustained project which forms the second part of the coursework portfolio. Completion of an assignment set by AQA that consists of a 12 week project finishing with a 10 hour exam. Completion of an assignment set by AQA that consists of a 12 week project finishing with a 10 hour exam.
Design and Technology AQA Non-Exam Assessment: theme set by AQA Non-Exam Assessment: theme set by AQA Exam preparation and revision Exam preparation Exam preparation
Film Studies Eduqas Teen attitudes through the ages: Component 1 - US Hollywood film comparison study Teen attitudes through the ages: Component 1 - US Hollywood film comparison study Coursework finalising Revision of all films in preparation for the exam Revision of all films in preparation for the exam
Drama AQA Component 2: Performance and Evaluation Devising Log Devising Log and Component 3: Texts in Practice Component 3: Texts in Practice - performance to key adult Blood Brothers exam preparation Blood Brothers and The Woman in Black exam preparation
Music Eduqas Gap Analysis; weekly Keyword Test; Notation dictation and Appraisal practice; Set Brief Composition planning; Performance preparation Finishing Composition and Performance preparation; Mock exams Revision Guides and Knowledge Organisers; evaluation of completed coursework Deadlines for Performance and Composition Forms and Scores – May 2019 Deadlines for Performance and Composition Forms and Scores – May 2019
GCSE PE AQA GCSE PE: Recap on Body System GCSE PE: Movement Analysis GCSE PE: Revision Prep: Paper 1: The Human Body GCSE PE: Revision Prep: Paper 2: Social Cultural Influences GCSE PE: Revision
Physical Education (Core) N/A Core PE: Football, Netball & T/Tennis Core PE: Handball, Dodgeball & Benchball Core PE: Fitness, Baskeball & Rugby Core PE: Netball, Teambuilding, Fitness, Multi Skills Core PE: Softball, Rounders, Cricket, Athletics
Creative Media Production BTEC BTEC Component 2 Task 2 - Final Media Product Component 2 Task 3 - Evaluation E-Portfolio Documentation and Component 3 assessment Component 3 Prep/Exam Component 3 Prep/Exam
Food and Nutrition Eduqas NEA1 - The Food Science Investigation NEA2 - The Practical Cookery Assessment NEA2 - The Practical Cookery Assessment Exam preparation Exam preparation
Graphics AQA Chocolate Bar Branding Chocolate Bar Branding Students prepare for their externally set assignment set by AQA, this consists of 12 weeks of preparation time and a 10 hour practical exam. Students prepare for their externally set assignment set by AQA, this consists of 12 weeks of preparation time and a 10 hour practical exam.
Music Tech Music theory and composition skills Controlled synoptic assessment Music technology developments, revision of key genres Revision of key genres, multitrack recording Revision and Final exam